Wednesday 7 October 2015

The Importance and the Benefits of Children’s Karate

Should we allow our innocent children to learn how to fight? The answer is a resounding – yes, we should, not just for them to learn to defend themselves physically but also for several other reasons that pertain to the overall development of the child. The world as we see today needs our children to be prepared to face any kind of situation with confidence, character, ability, skill, purpose, and precision. Karate is a martial art form that shapes the children into well rounded individuals who are ready to face the world on their own merit. Here is how.
Importance and Benefits of Children’s Karate
Contrary to parent’s fear, karate does not propagate violence, it is a training procedure that insists on being applied only in training class, competitive tournaments, or in self-defense situations where every other option like fleeing is exhausted. Children are modeled along these expectations and usually the lessons remain within the training center. Besides offering rigorous physical exercise, teaching self-confidence and self respect, and respecting others, karate also teaches important life skills. It is known to improve self-esteem, reduce fear, which basically stems from learning how to protect oneself, or even stand up for oneself amongst one’s peers at school. 

Letting your 7 year olds channel their restless energy with a well timed karate kick under the sharp eye of an instructor is a wise move as parents. Karate is a fun way to keep children productively occupied, keep their restlessness at bay, and teach them to focus for it needs high levels of concentration to combat swift moves by the opponent. The progress in karate is noted by the belt system starting with white belt for a beginner, crossing to a new level every three months until you reach the final level won with a black belt. Research shows that children who learn karate are quick to follow commands, give respect, and show improved behavior and higher grades at school. 

Other Forms of Martial Arts 
Martial Arts like kickboxing and even mixed martial arts (MMA) is an effective way to keep your child mentally and physically agile. Martial arts is known to teach self-discipline and some valuable lessons on social skills. It is highly effective in children with ADHD who suffer from lack of self control and low concentration levels by boosting these very skills. 

Enrolling your child under the right tutelage
When it comes to children, extra caution is always recommended, even in choosing the right karate classes to train in. Children’s karate London offers karate classes for children. MMA London specializes in teaching a combination of different martial art techniques as part of its course and has proved highly effective in teaching kids as well as adults how to fight and stay agile. Kickboxing London is again a great option to those who want to master the art of kickboxing and take part in competitive tournaments that is an effective way to quell any kind of fear or shyness and boost the confidence and concentration levels of children.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Feeling Safe with Martial Arts

Feeling safe and secure is an intrinsic need in each one of us irrespective of our age. It is nigh impossible to be happy and lead a normal life when our safety is threatened. Just a threat of danger to ourselves and our loved ones can turn our lives into a living hell. If there is a fighting chance that we can avoid feeling helpless and at the mercy of someone else, we should take it. Martial arts is that fighting chance we need to grab with both hands and learn to defend ourselves against any kind of threat. Mixed Martial Arts, children’s self defense, and kickboxing are the need of the hour to make you feel safe and in control of your lives. 

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Greenwich
MMA is a full-contact combat sport which is a perfect blend of submission, striking, and wrestling. The striking and grappling techniques involved in MMA comprises a combination of stances – both sitting and standing and is derived from a variety of combat sports and martial arts such as boxing, Muay Thai, kickboxing, karate, judo, and wrestling. MMA Greenwich provides a great opportunity to not only whip yourself into a fitting shape but also, with the use of progressive teaching methods and equipment, train you to defend yourself with as much ease and as quickly as possible. The training is undertaken in a safe and controlled environment and is done by experts in the field of MMA. They understand and acknowledge that safety is a serious concern. 

In today’s world, children need to learn some crucial self defense techniques. There are various forms of martial arts that cater to young kids and are effective in shaping their minds as well as physique to efficiently tackle difficult situations. As parents, safety of our children is paramount for our peace of mind. Children have the innate ability to grasp and comprehend quickly and their boundless energy adds to their enthusiasm for any kind of physical activity, which makes it easier to train them in the most difficult of self defense techniques. They absorb like a sponge and can be molded like wet clay making them the best students for martial arts training. Sooner they learn to fight and defend themselves, peaceful our minds, safer the country. 

Kickboxing Thamesmead
As a self defense technique, kickboxing is all about being quick, precise, distracting, and able to aim at all available openings for attack using punches, knees, and kicks. Move towards your opponent or attacker, find an open target like a chin or a shin and kick as hard as you can. It thrives on these kinds of swift moves made with powerful precision and extreme speed. You are supposed to be quicker than the attacker’s reaction. Kickboxing Thamesmead aims to teach all this and more. They also teach freestyle kickboxing which is based on the concept of being able to avoid getting hit by moving away from the target and still being able to strike your opponent.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

How to Protect Yourself Against Dangers?

In the recent times, crimes have been on an all time high with reports of violent crimes flooding the news channels whenever people come across them. Thus, the main concern that troubles families all over is the problem of safety. With personal attacks against adults and children alike on the rampant, it is necessary for families to have a support system that can enable them to protect themselves in case of any emergencies. With the techniques offered by martial art forms, you can have the right tools to help you fight any emergency dangers that may arise at any point in your life.

Mixed martial arts
This form of Martial Art regulates the use of a myriad of different techniques derived from the three fields of striking, clinch and ground fighting by combining the disciplines of Wrestling, Boxing, Kick-boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Karate. Mixed Martial arts have a number of rules that prevent the sport from going beyond the realms of an organised sport into the realms of barbarism. The presence of a safe and controlled environment teaches the participants the value of self-restraint and preservation. Mixed Martial Arts London can help you and your entire family to get in shape effortlessly whilst having loads of fun and gaining confidence about yourself.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
The use of a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu form can help you to effectively take on even an opponent who is taller and stronger than you with the help of discipline and knowledge. Focusing on ground combat, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu derives its strengths from the principle of using nothing but your own body weight to overthrow your opponent. The use of chokeholds in side control, full mount and back mount positions aims at rendering an opponent harmless by disabling him from making a move. This BJJ London technique is one of the hot favourites for fitness fanatics all over the world, since it steps beyond confines of weight and height and focuses simply on skill, thereby allowing anyone to participate.

Krav Maga
One of the most efficient self defence techniques that you can participate in if your primary focus is to stop any forms of danger from coming to your self is Krav Maga. This form of self defence technique is a part of the training regime for Israeli soldiers and thus, is one of the best developed techniques for minimising the risk of commonly faced dangerous situations. The principle of Krav Maga lies in the daily incidents that people face- it develops techniques to combat 10 of the most commonly faced dangers. With subsequent training, the difficulty level in Krav Maga London is increased till the participant is able to combat any form of danger whatsoever. 

Thus, with the necessary forms of self defence at your fingertips, it can be a piece of cake to get out of tricky situations without a scratch. Whether it is the bully who has been troubling you at school or a mugger who attempts to steal your purse, you can be capable of taking on anyone with the proper training in Martial Arts.


Thursday 25 June 2015

Get Some Real kicks and Punches!!

Want to make your children confident and teach them best self-defence techniques? Want your child to be fit with a healthy body? Searching for some good and expertise trainer? Stop searching any further because with the following martial arts programmes, you will get whatever you require, here you will see your child growing up with a fit and healthier body and at the same time learning to defend him/her too. The Childrens self defence techniques are taught with expertise knowledge. There is a wide range of programmes, of which all ranges from basic to advance. These programmes suit persons of every age, so not only children, adults can also learn from these programmes.

There are various martial arts techniques which have been taught here. The most popular ones are kickboxing and MMA (mixed martial arts).


It is the most energetic sport that one can come across. Kickboxing is based on kicking and punching, which is a stand-up combat sport. It is historically developed from Karate, Tae Kwando, Kung Fu and Muay Thai, which is said to combine the elements of punching and kicking. Kickboxing focuses on the development of inner strength, flexibility, improves co-ordination, and increases the degree of endurance.

It is a great mind stimulator, which builds self-discipline within oneself. With Kickboxing Thamesmead, you will learn all the techniques of kickboxing, which will include the concept of attacking your opponent effectively without yourself getting any hurt.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

MMA is type of martial art, which is combination of two or more different techniques, mostly American, and Japanese style martial arts are combined in MMA. It is full-contact combat sport which involves striking and grappling techniques, both standing and on the ground positions. Mixed Martial Arts combines the techniques used in Brazilian Jujitsu, which is a self-defending technique used in adverse situations.

Furthermore, MMA Greenwich ensures that one develops greater stamina and flexibility. It also boosts up confidence and creates self-defending ability in oneself.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga and Boxing

Apart from kickboxing and MMA, we have three other important self-defending programmes; Brazilian Jiujitsu, Krav Maga and Boxing. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is the effective self-defence during adverse conditions. It is stand-up combat sport and kickboxing is derived from it. Mixed martial arts are also a combination of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is also used in short grappling tournaments like gi and no-gi. On the other hand, Krav Maga is effective in real life situations.

Boxing is the oldest form of martial arts practiced. It is popular for its fast footwork and powerful punching combinations. It involves many different movements of the whole body, which results in full activeness of an individual. It makes an individual perfectly fit and stout. Boxing emphasizes on speed, agility and reflexes of an individual. To create yourself most fit and healthy, boxing is the best martial art to learn.

Once who join this martial arts programme will definitely become a self-dependent person with high self-confidence.