Tuesday 28 July 2015

How to Protect Yourself Against Dangers?

In the recent times, crimes have been on an all time high with reports of violent crimes flooding the news channels whenever people come across them. Thus, the main concern that troubles families all over is the problem of safety. With personal attacks against adults and children alike on the rampant, it is necessary for families to have a support system that can enable them to protect themselves in case of any emergencies. With the techniques offered by martial art forms, you can have the right tools to help you fight any emergency dangers that may arise at any point in your life.

Mixed martial arts
This form of Martial Art regulates the use of a myriad of different techniques derived from the three fields of striking, clinch and ground fighting by combining the disciplines of Wrestling, Boxing, Kick-boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Karate. Mixed Martial arts have a number of rules that prevent the sport from going beyond the realms of an organised sport into the realms of barbarism. The presence of a safe and controlled environment teaches the participants the value of self-restraint and preservation. Mixed Martial Arts London can help you and your entire family to get in shape effortlessly whilst having loads of fun and gaining confidence about yourself.

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
The use of a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu form can help you to effectively take on even an opponent who is taller and stronger than you with the help of discipline and knowledge. Focusing on ground combat, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu derives its strengths from the principle of using nothing but your own body weight to overthrow your opponent. The use of chokeholds in side control, full mount and back mount positions aims at rendering an opponent harmless by disabling him from making a move. This BJJ London technique is one of the hot favourites for fitness fanatics all over the world, since it steps beyond confines of weight and height and focuses simply on skill, thereby allowing anyone to participate.

Krav Maga
One of the most efficient self defence techniques that you can participate in if your primary focus is to stop any forms of danger from coming to your self is Krav Maga. This form of self defence technique is a part of the training regime for Israeli soldiers and thus, is one of the best developed techniques for minimising the risk of commonly faced dangerous situations. The principle of Krav Maga lies in the daily incidents that people face- it develops techniques to combat 10 of the most commonly faced dangers. With subsequent training, the difficulty level in Krav Maga London is increased till the participant is able to combat any form of danger whatsoever. 

Thus, with the necessary forms of self defence at your fingertips, it can be a piece of cake to get out of tricky situations without a scratch. Whether it is the bully who has been troubling you at school or a mugger who attempts to steal your purse, you can be capable of taking on anyone with the proper training in Martial Arts.
