Saturday 26 September 2015

Feeling Safe with Martial Arts

Feeling safe and secure is an intrinsic need in each one of us irrespective of our age. It is nigh impossible to be happy and lead a normal life when our safety is threatened. Just a threat of danger to ourselves and our loved ones can turn our lives into a living hell. If there is a fighting chance that we can avoid feeling helpless and at the mercy of someone else, we should take it. Martial arts is that fighting chance we need to grab with both hands and learn to defend ourselves against any kind of threat. Mixed Martial Arts, children’s self defense, and kickboxing are the need of the hour to make you feel safe and in control of your lives. 

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Greenwich
MMA is a full-contact combat sport which is a perfect blend of submission, striking, and wrestling. The striking and grappling techniques involved in MMA comprises a combination of stances – both sitting and standing and is derived from a variety of combat sports and martial arts such as boxing, Muay Thai, kickboxing, karate, judo, and wrestling. MMA Greenwich provides a great opportunity to not only whip yourself into a fitting shape but also, with the use of progressive teaching methods and equipment, train you to defend yourself with as much ease and as quickly as possible. The training is undertaken in a safe and controlled environment and is done by experts in the field of MMA. They understand and acknowledge that safety is a serious concern. 

In today’s world, children need to learn some crucial self defense techniques. There are various forms of martial arts that cater to young kids and are effective in shaping their minds as well as physique to efficiently tackle difficult situations. As parents, safety of our children is paramount for our peace of mind. Children have the innate ability to grasp and comprehend quickly and their boundless energy adds to their enthusiasm for any kind of physical activity, which makes it easier to train them in the most difficult of self defense techniques. They absorb like a sponge and can be molded like wet clay making them the best students for martial arts training. Sooner they learn to fight and defend themselves, peaceful our minds, safer the country. 

Kickboxing Thamesmead
As a self defense technique, kickboxing is all about being quick, precise, distracting, and able to aim at all available openings for attack using punches, knees, and kicks. Move towards your opponent or attacker, find an open target like a chin or a shin and kick as hard as you can. It thrives on these kinds of swift moves made with powerful precision and extreme speed. You are supposed to be quicker than the attacker’s reaction. Kickboxing Thamesmead aims to teach all this and more. They also teach freestyle kickboxing which is based on the concept of being able to avoid getting hit by moving away from the target and still being able to strike your opponent.

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